CONCENTRATION OF USE 109 about 6o percent of the circulated books were used only by the card holder; another 20 percent only by an indirect user; and another 20 percent by both. Most of the indirect users of the public library were members of the card holder’s family— sisters, wives, brothers, mothers, husbands, in that order—and only about one third of these had library cards of their own. In other words, the library was serving a sizable group of peo- ple of whom it had literally no record. To what extent are the books withdrawn from the public library actually read? In one study about 63 percent, and in the other 66 percent, of the books circulated by the library were read completely by someone, whether the card holder or an indirect user of the library (Table 40).** Only a small TABLE 40 DEeGree oF ActuaL Reaping oF Apurt Books CIRCULATED FROM THE PusLic LiBRARY, ADAPTED FROM Two STUDIES PERCENTAGE OF READING Dick & Berelson Pulling Degree of 1948 1948 Actual Reading FICTION NONFICTION FICTION NONFICTION Completely 83 36 76 54 Half or more 7 23 9 22 Less than half 7 37 ; e Not at all 3 4 5 4 TOTAL NUMBER OF CASES 450 352 186 170 fraction of the books, about 3 percent, were not read at all.*” Thus, the discrepancy between circulation figures and actual “In a Michigan county 73 percent of the books withdrawn by users under sixteen years of age were read completely, as against 85 percent of those borrowed by adults. This probably reflects the greater use of nonfiction by the former group. *Dick and Berelson, 1948.