CONCENTRATION OF USE 107 From all this it appears that library circulation serves a highly specialized clientele.” TABLE 39 BorrowING OF FicrioN BY CoNCENTRATION OF USE, MONTCLAIR, N.J., Free Pusric LiBrRARY, 1945 AND 1047 Number of Books Percentage of Fiction Borrowed of Total Adult Loans during Year ‘ 1945 1947 Over 70 (“heavy” users) 74 75 30-69 66 59 1029 . 52 51 Under 10 (“light” users) 44 38 ACTUAL USE OF LIBRARY-CIRCULATED BOOKS Not only dO registration and circulation data need to be interpreted in the light of intensity of use, but also the validity of cir- culation statistics as an index to actual reading should be analyzed. Circulation and actual reading may differ in two im- portant ways: in the first place, not all books circulated from the public library may be read; in the second place, someone other than or in addition to the borrower may read them. Thus, in one sense, library circulation figures may overesti- mate actual reading, and in another, they may underestimate the library’s contribution to the community’s reading. Every practicing librarian knows that not all borrowers of books use their own library cards or, indeed, have cards to use, and general surveys have confirmed this fact. Only 72 percent of actual users of the library during the year had their own library cards;® about 21 percent used someone "Unfortunately, there are no similar data describing concentration among the users of the reference and information services of the public library, or concentration among the users of the library as a whole (including circula- tion, reference, and other services). The latter type of data would reveal what is not now known, namely, whether the same or different people use the circulation and reference services of the public library. *SRC, 1948.