TABLE 37 CoNCENTRATION OF Book BORROWING BY ADULTS, 194§ AND 1047, MonTcrAIR, N.]J., FREe PusLic LiBrRARY PERCENTAGES Adult Population® Adult Registration Adult Borrowers Category 1945 1947 1945 1947 1945 1947 of Use (36,500) (36,500) (15,203) (10,916) (6,350) (7,825) Registered with library 41.7 30.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Accounted for total adult : circulation 17.4 21.4 41.8 71.§ 100.0 100.0 Accounted for about three fourths of the adult cir- culation 33 4.6 8.0 15.2 19.4 21.3 Accounted for about two thirds of the adult cir- culation 2.8 3.3 6.0 1.2 14.7 15.6 Accounted for about half : of the adult circulation 13 335 3.2 5.6 257 7.8 “Population figures for Montclair from 1940 census, and therefore somewhat outdated.