CONCENTRATION OF USE 99 of concentration in the five media correlates inversely with the size of the audience. CONCENTRATION OF LIBRARY USE What about the concen- tration of the public library clientele? The frequency of li- brary use varies a good deal among borrowers. Available data indicate that about one fifth of the total group of actual borrowers use the library as often as once a week, and that nearly half use it less than once a month. (Table 36). These TABLE 36 FreQuENcy or Pusric LiBrary Use BY ADULTS, ADAPTED FROM VARIOUS STUDIES PERCENTAGES OF USERS Field & Peacock 1948: SRC, 1948: Haygood Users Users 1938: during during Frequency “Regular Nafziger NORC Preceding Preceding of Use Patrons” 1946 1946 Year Year Once a week or oftener 33 26 17 22 19 Every two weeks 47 36 24 13 About once a month 20 28 18 25 Less often than once a month 46 47 36 43 TOTAL NUMBER OF CASES 87 70§ 308 228 figures vary considerably from place to place; the “regular patrons” of the New York Public Library visit the library much more frequently than the national average of users. Al- though such figures may not establish definitively the relative