PO e = 98 CONCENTRATION OF USE and magazine audiences, and still heavier for motion pictures. In book reading concentration reaches its highest point. Only 10 percent of the population accounts for fully 70 percent of CuarT X CoNCENTRATION OF ExPosure 10 Major Mass Mepia oF Com- MUNICATION, BY THE ApurLt Users oF Eaca MEebpium*® PERCENTAGE OF EXPOSURE PERCENTAGE OF USERS Data from SRC, 1948. *Data are only approximate. Exposure is measured as indicated in Chart IX. the book reading, and 1o percent of the book readers them- selves account for as much as 5o percent of the book reading. Not only is the book-reading audience the smallest of the mass media audiences, but it is also the most highly concen- trated. That is, it is “really” smaller still. By and large, the wider the audience, the less concentra- tion in use of the medium; conversely, the smaller the audi- ence, the higher the degree of concentration. Thus, the degree