CONCENTRATION OF USE 97 concentration in every medium of communication, whether the basis is the population as a whole or only the total audi- ence of the medium (Charts IX and X). CuArT IX CoNCENTRATION OF Exposure To MAjor Mass Mepia oFr CoMm- MUNICATION, BY THE ApuLT PorurLaTtioN As A WHOLE" w2 100 1\ L] 50 H o 30 PERCENTAGE OF EXPOSURE 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 PERCENTAGE OF POPULATION Data from SRC, 1948. “Data are only approximate. Exposure is measured as follows: Newspapers—number read per week. \ Radio—amount of listening time per day. Magazines—number read regularly. Motion pictures—attendance per month. Books—number read per year. The degree of such concentration varies among the dif- ferent media. In the case of newspaper reading it is not particularly great; most people read newspapers about the same amount. Concentration is slightly greater in the radio