¥ 02 TRENDS IN USE 1939 (Chart VI), as shown by a study of libraries in that state, 1s due partly to the war, which took many potential library users away from their homes, and partly to the rela- tive prosperity of the period. In short, public library circula- CuarT V TreEND oF PusLic LiBrary CircULATION OF ApuLT FICTION AND NONFICTION, 1930-35 150 1930=100 — ADULT FICTION === ADULT NONFICTION - - ‘ o o INDEX NUMBER ~ O Ho Data from Herdman, 1943. tion, like various other social factors, is influenced by the business cycle, with which it correlates inversely.® SEASONAL PATTERN IN LIBRARY USE The third trend in public library circulation is the seasonal pattern (Chart VII). During the twelve months of the year, circulation figures show two peaks and two troughs. One peak occurs in Octo- “Detailed confirmation of this relationship for a single town may be found in Sohon, 1941, and for large libraries over a long period in Kaiser, 1948.