TRENDS IN USE 91 crease in book purchases: for example, in 1929 bookstore sales totaled $116,000,000, as against $67,000,000 for 1935 and $74,000,000 for 1939 (U.S. Census of Business, Vol. I, Retail Trade, 1939). Thus, book reading may be more or Cuart 1V TreENDS oF PusLic LiBRARY REGISTRATION AND CIRCULATION 1930-35 150 s REGISTRATION 1930=100 o= === CIRCULATION 140 130 120 INDEX NUMBER 1o Data from Herdman, 1943. less constant under the impact of economic fluctuations and only the sources may vary. Loans of fiction and nonfiction both increase, but the latter relatively more than the former (Chart V).* Similarly, the falling curve of gross circulation in Illinois libraries since *An independent study of selected branches in Chicago and St. Louis (Ells- worth, 1937) showed no significant proportional increase in the circulation of books on social problems during this period.