84 WHY PEOPLE USE THE LIBRARY are the controlling factors, rather than, or more than, the professional activity of the librarians. Percentage of All Dissatis- Study factions Due to Inadequate Book Collection Haygood, 1938 86 James, 1941 93 NORC, 1946 96 Field & Peacock, 1948 78 The library clientele is satisfied with the librarians. The at- titude of more than go percent of all library users was favor- able to the public librarian.** Only a small proportion of the complaints recorded in these studies deal with the inadequa- cies of library personnel. There are few institutions in the community with as good a record. PUBLIC IGNORANCE OF LIBRARY SERVICEs The general pub- lic, however, does not score particularly well on its knowl- edge of the public library and its services. Only 33 percent of the adults in certain large cities knew how the public library is financed and only g0 percent knew that the library offers other services in addition to book lending®; only 56 percent of the adult population in Los Angeles knew correctly the location of the nearest branch library®’; fully 25 percent of the library users in the same city did not know of any library services “‘aside from lending books®®;” about 22 percent of the residents in a Michigan county did not know the location of the nearest library outlet (Turbeville, 1948); and more than 25 percent of library users the country over did not know what the card catalogue 1s.* This lack of knowledge about the public library is, per- haps, at the core of the reaction to the public library by ®SRC, 1948. ¥NORC, 1946. *Field and Peacock, 1948. “Ibid. ¥SRC, 1948.