WHY PEOPLE USE THE LIBRARY 83 the minority of library users. Perhaps inadequate service to as many as one quarter of the clientele represents a serious deficiency of the public library, which aims for perfection in its service. What are the major dissatisfactions or complaints of the clientele? Are they matters over which the librarian has some reasonable control or not? The client’s dissatisfac- tion with library service, when expressed, centers upon one major concern: more or different books. Other complaints or suggestions cover a wide variety of topics with no particular TaBLE 35 SatisractioNn witH PusLic LiBRARY SERVICE, ADAPTED FROM SEV- ERAL STUDIES PERCENTAGE OF LIBRARY USERS Field & Degree of Haygood James NORC Peacock SRC Satisfaction 1938 1941 1946 1948 1948 Completely satisfied “A little over half” 75 75 8o 70 Partially or occa- “Overa sionally satisfied third” 8 25 16 14 Not satisfied 14 17 5 No answer 4 II TOTAL NUMBER OF CASES Over About 16,000 6,986 400 608 228 concentration on any one, and probably reflect local condi- tions causing dissatisfaction with a particular library. In all these studies, the overwhelming majority of unsatisfied de- mands was due to inadequacy of the book collection of the library. The library’s book stock is, of course, basically af- fected by its book budget. Limited budgets, restricting both the number of copies and the variety of the book collection,