WHY PEOPLE USE THE LIBRARY 81 motion pictures in the library; about one fifth think they would borrow recordings or films or join study groups; and only one twentieth think they would make use of meeting rooms in the library. This scale of preferences indicates the public’s reaction to the major current suggestions of new (nonbook) services to be offered by the public library. Of the residents of a Michigan county, 18 percent said they would borrow records from the public library, 14 percent sheet music, g percent pictures, and 8 percent films.* But who are the people who would use (or more strictly, who say they would use) these services? Some librarians argue for such extension of service as a means of drawing new people into the library’s clientele and thus extending the library’s impact upon its community. Would such services at- tract new clients to the library, or would they be used mainly by the present clientele? On the whole the projected services would be used relatively more by those who at present use TABLE 34 ProjecteEp Use oF NEw Services oF THE PusrLic LiBrRArY BY DEGREE oF PRreseNnT Usk PercENTAGE WHO SAY THEY Wourp (or Micut) Use SPECIFIED SERVICES Used Library Never One or More Used Library Used Specified Services Times in the but Not in the Public Preceding Year Preceding Year Library Motion picture showings 88 76 53 Rental films 73 59 28 Loan collections of phono- graph records 54 41 27 Study groups 58 41 20 Meeting rooms 15 5 4 Source: Adapted from SRC, 1948. *Wylie, 1948.