80 WHY PEOPLE USE THE LIBRARY licity, many people might later be reached who would not have indicated their interest earlier. With this qualification, then, what do people think about some of the new services being considered for the American public library? There is considerable range with regard to popular reception of the several services (Chart II). Nearly half the public think that they would attend showings of Cuarr 11 ProprorTiON OF PropLE WHo SAy TuEYy WouLbp or Micut Usk Prorosep SErvIcEs oF THE Pusric LiBrRARY® PERCENTAGE SAYING THEY WOULD USE MIGHT use ] 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 MOTION PICTURE SHOWINGS RENTAL OF FILMS BORROWING OF PHONOGRAPH RECORDS STUDY GROUPS MEETING ROOMS Data from SRC, 1948. “The questions are as follows: “If the library put on movies you couldn’t see in your regular theater, like foreign pictures or travel films, do you think you might go to see them?” “Some libraries have moving picture films that people can show at home. Do you think you would be interested in renting films if your library had them for rent?” “If the library had phonograph records to lend, do you think you would be likely to borrow them?” “If your library arranged for people to have study groups in your library, do you think you might be interested in going to one?” “Some libraries furnish meeting rooms for clubs. Do you belong to any clubs that might want to use a library room for meetings?”