g 1 78 WHY PEOPLE USE THE LIBRARY read some interesting titles, secure some piece of desired in- formation—in short, make full and even constant use of the public library, without appearing in the library records (al- though he would be identified as a library user in a general survey). The actual incidence of such unrecorded use of li- brary material is not known. USE OF THE CATALOGUE The public library’s major tool for the location of its materials is the card catalogue. How: much is it actually used by the library’s patrons? Again, this varies with the size of the library and with the extent of its reference and information services. In the branch libraries of the largest public library system, somewhat more than one half of the clientele had used the catalogue.*” In a national sample,” only about 4 percent of the library users (not of the population) used the catalogue often, and another 45 percent PERCENTAGES Know about catalogue and use it often 4 Know about catalogue and'have used it 45 Know about catalogue, but never use it 13 Do not know what the catalogue is 29 Not ascertained 9 TOTAL NUMBER OF CASES 228 Source: SRC, 1948. had used it previously, probably while students. The users had considerably more formal education than the nonusers; presumably, they had learned how to use the card catalogue during their period of schooling. *Haygood, 1938. #SRC, 1948.