76 WHY PEOPLE USE THE LIBRARY for current reading. Similarly, the periodical collection is probably more useful for other purposes than for current reading (for example, the consultation of back files of jour- nals), except, perhaps, in the smaller libraries. Only about 2 to 3 percent of the magazines read are provided by the public library, with a range from less than 1 percent to a high of about 5 percent. The public library does not compete with newsstand purchases and subscriptions as a major source of newspaper and magazine reading in this country. Percentage of Magazines Read Obtained from Study Public Library Ellsworth, 1937 (Chicago) 0.1 Ellsworth, 1937 (St. Louis) 5.5 Waples & Carnovsky, 1939 Extown 1.5 Wytown 3 Field & Peacock, 1948 1.0 SRC, 1948 4.0 LIBRARY SERVICE IN READING GUIDANCE Several years ago it was the fashion in the public library to provide special read- ers’ advisory services to which a client could come for indi- vidualized reading lists, for discussion of his reading, and for general guidance in his reading problems. Currently, the tend- ency is to provide such services through the staff generally rather than through a particular subdivision of the staff. In either case, however, few studies concerning this service have been published. In the New York Public Library during the 1930s, the major reasons clients used the formal readers’ advisory services were the desire for advancement in occupation and for self- improvement through liberal education.” Fully 8o to 85 per- cent of the users during this period had one or another of *Flexner and Hopkins, 1941.