Fact-finding General in- formation Supporting evidence (research) Guerrier “Something on talcum pow- der.” “The name of a sarcastic Mis- souri judge 50 yrs. ago.” DEFINITIONS OF THE CATEGORIES James Simple request: “Call for a specific book or subject material in which book selection pre- sented few difficulties.” “Call for an- swer to a ref- erence ques- tion on book selection in- volving sub- ject or bibli- ographic knowledge.” Cole Factiitypies “What cities have day- light saving time?” or “Who in- vented the quadratic equation?” “How can I re- move stains from cloth- ing?” “Information on cosmetics”; “material on psychoanaly- sis. “Do colonies pay?”; “Ar- guments for & against con- solidation of railroads.” Christ Van Hoesen Reference ques- Definitions, such tions (quick as the exact reference). wording of quo- tations, etc. General facts on large subjects. Readers advised (specific titles of books). Material on debat- able questions. Search ques- tions. Gscheidle Ready refer- ence ques- tions involv- ing little” re- search. Research ques- tions taking more than five minutes; advisory serv- ice in book selection.