TABLE 32 Tyres oF REFERENCE QUESTIONS SUBMITTED TO PUBLIC LIBRARIES, ADAPTED FROM VARIOUS STUDIES PERCENTAGES Cole Type of Guerrier James 1943 Christ® Van Hoesen Gscheidle® Question 1936 1941 (Adults only) 1947 1948 1948 Fact-finding 91 84 55 58 39 o1 How to do o 5 10 i 8 General information on a subject o1 3 20 27 45 Supporting evidence (research) 9 16 8 Other o o ) = o ~ o TOTAL NUMBER OF CASES 96,042 6,985 1,026 Not given 3,596 80,150 °An additional 21 percent of location directions and 26 percent of instruction in library use have been omitted. ’An additional 55 percent of direction questions have been omitted.