5 ] 4 70 WHY R EOPLE "USE, THE 'LIBRARY only smaller in volume than its circulation service, but their clientele is also more specialized. What does the reference service consist of? Are reference questions stimulated by the latest popular puzzle or quiz program, or are they serious questions dealing with some “educational” concern? Only a few studies of the reference service of the public library have been made, not nearly enough for a full-scale review of the topic. Especially does this service vary in libraries of different sizes: the reference service of the Economics Division of the New York Public Library and of the Science and Technology Department of the Cleveland Public Library differs widely from the information service which would be offered by the public library in a town of 25,000. The available studies, which are limited both in their coverage and in the problems with which they deal, are concerned largely with the classi- fication of reference questions by type and subject matter. Very few data exist on the composition of reference service in terms of the purposes to which answers were put or in terms of their “social value.” We have seen that young people make up a large part of the clientele of the public library’s reference department. Their use of its services can be simply described: it derives directly from school assignments. As the subjects of the assignments change, the reference service changes accordingly, but it is constantly related to school work. In this respect also the nature of public library service depends upon the quality of school library service and the administrative arrangements between the public library and the school system. But in gen- eral, the reference service to this large portion of the clien- tele of the public library serves as a supplement to the school in the preparation of assignments, the writing of themes, the review for examinations, and so forth. TYPES OF ADULT REFERENCE SERVICE Most of the reference service to adults is of a “fact-finding” nature (Table 32).