68 WHY PEOPLE USE THE LIBRARY reading from the public library and more of their “poorer” reading from other sources. In this case the public library supplied 67 percent of all the “quality” books read by chil- dren but only 43 percent of all the “nonquality” books.” Some observers believe that this is due to the greater selec- tivity exercised by public librarians in choosing books for children as against adults. Also, children are not influenced so much by book reviews. At the same time, in another study® the public library was an important and even major source of “light fiction” for high school students, as shown by the distribution of detective, adventure, and romance novels by various agencies in two small New York towns. The public library supplied about half of all such fiction in the two communities, considerably more than the students secured from their school libraries. PERCENTAGES Sources of “Light Fiction” Extown Wytown Public library 44 52 Personal library and friends 33 24 School library 14 20 Other 9 4 TOTAL NUMBER OF CASES 144 409 Source: Waples and Carnovsky, 1939. CLIENTELE AND KINDS OF BOOKS CIRCULATED Very little has been done to combine the known data concerning the users of the public library with the kinds of books circulated. In so far as relevant information has appeared, it can be roughly summarized as follows. “The ratio of “quality” to “nonquality” books supplied by the school library (18 to 12 percent) was about the same as that for the public library. *Waples and Carnovsky, 1939.