WHY PEOPLE USE THE LIBRARY 59 clientele. Thus, the public library is by far the major lender of nonfiction books. But the relative circulation of different kinds of books from the public library is obviously a function of its holdings. A library which holds no fiction will circulate none; and a li- brary which holds nothing but fiction will circulate nothing else. Thus, the nature of the circulation in these categories is TaABLE 29 Kinps or Books SuppLiep To ApULTS BY VARIOUS AGENCIES IN Previous WEEK PERCENTAGES Purchase, Book Club, Kind of Public Gift, Own Friends, Lending Book Library Library Relatives Library Other Total Popular fiction 31 29 44 40 38 34 Popular nonfiction 32 32 30 22 23 30 Classical & superior fiction, & nonficuon, literary masterpieces 15 10 17 20 21 14 Textbooks, research 22 29 9 18 18 22 TOTAL NUMBER OF CASES 131 232 115 45. 53 576 Source: Adapted from Field & Peacock, 1948. ‘influenced to some extent by the nature of the hbrary s book stock. Although there is little evidence on this point, it ap- pears that the library distributes a much higher proportion of fiction than the proportion of fiction in the holdings. Almost two thirds of the circulation is fiction, but it is alto- gether unlikely that more than half the book stock of the average public library is composed of fiction.® A survey of the 281 libraries in the state of Illinois (Illinois State Library, 1935) showed that the average proportion of a book collection composed of fiction ranged from 22 percent in the libraries in the largest communities (over 110,000 population) to 45 percent in the libraries in the smallest communities (1,000 and under).