54 WHY PEOPLE USE THE LIBRARY in the library’s book stock. Whereas such books make up only about 25 percent of the book holdings of the public library, they account for more than 4o percent of the circulation.? Thus, the turnover of juvenile books in the library holdings . is considerably higher than that of adult books; that is, juve- nile books are used more than adult books. This formulation TABLE 27 JuveNiLE CircuraTioN AND JUVENILE Book Stock IN PusLic LiBraries, By Size or City* Percentage Percentage Size of of Total .of Total Number of Populations Juvenile Juvenile Sampled Served Circulation Book Stock Libraries 25,000—50,000 43 29 57 50,000—100,000 43 26 31 100,000—2 50,000 42 26 28 250,000 and over 45 25 36 ‘Source: Constructed from Public Library Statistics, 1944-45, issued by the Library Service Division, U.S. Office of Education. in terms of circulation only reinforces the formulation in terms of users and demonstrates again that service to children and youth holds the central position in public library activity. Unfortunately, there are no data indicating the proportion of the library’s circulation to children and youth which is school-related and the proportion which is free reading.* To what extent does the public library supply curricular material to students who are not adequately provided with such material in their schools? How does this differ at dif- *This figure may somewhat underestimate the public library’s acquisition of juvenile titles, because they wear out sooner than do adult titles and must therefore be discarded at a faster rate, Hence acquisition may be at a slightly higher rate than holdings. “The only information on this toFic was supplied by a study devoted to other purposes. An investigation of reading motives revealed that 35 percent of high school students’ fiction reading and 77 percent of their nonfiction reading was assigned by the school (Butler, 1939).