48 : \ LIBRARY USERS and activity on the other. Are library users more politically interested or active than non-users? Do they have different political opinions from non-users? This important problem, which touches upon the whole function of the public library as an influence upon public opinion, has been investigated only as an incidental by-product of a larger study on the formation of political opinion (Berelson 1945). Although several differ- ences in political disposition were found between library users and nonusers (Table 25), most of them were explained by TaABLE 25 PoriticaL INTEREST, OPINIONS, AND ACTIVITY OF PusLic LiBrRarRy Users AND NONUSERS IN A Mibwest CoMMUNITY PERCENTAGES Characteristic Library Users Nonusers Expressed great interest in election 54 33 Expressed some indecision on po- litical issues 24 33 Actually voted 88 79 Voted Democratic (1940) 34 45 Score on general attention to po- litical materials in major media of communication 122 94 TOTAL NUMBER OF CASES 112 360 Source: Adapted from Berelson, 1945. differences in the educational level of the two groups, rather than by the fact of library use itself. Such differences are descriptively true—that is, more library users than nonusers had “great” interest in politics—but when analyzed they are at- tributable to considerations other than library use. Taking this into account, the study concluded: We have found slight differences in certain areas of political in- terest, still smaller differences in political activities, and no sub-