LIBRARY USERS 43 Fourthly, there is a relationship between the use of the li- brary and the distance separating the user from it.”” In every case, the closer people live to a public library, the more they use it (Table 22). Thus, assuming that the composition of the population does not vary with distance from the public li- brary, proximity is a major factor in determining library use. Library users themselves are quite conscious of this influence: in one survey (Field & Peacock, 1948), fully 76 percent of re- spondents indicated that they used a particular branch library TABLE 22 ApuLt Grours ReGISTERED WITH OR UsINg THE PusLIic LiBrRARY BY RESIDENTIAL DisTANCE FrOM IT, ADAPTED FROM VARIOUS STUDIES PERCENTAGES Distance PERSONS REGISTERED USERS from @ —oo — - Public Horuwitz, 1933° Library, Wert Ulveling SRC* MAIN URBAN SUBURBAN SRC° in Blocks 1937 1939 1948 LIBRARY BRANCHES BRANCHES 7948 1-5 35 15 35 30 47 83 34 6-7 27 13 33 24 28 55 } 28 8-11 22 II 25 20 40 12-15 27 9 ; ” 22 9 19 16-19 3 i 22 & 0 } = Bo& over - .. 5 ; 3 15 i G 8 TOTAL NUMBER OF CASES Not Not Not Not Not given given given given given “The distances are: up to % mile; % to % mile; 1 to 2 miles; more than 2 miles. *The distances are: up to % mile; from % to % mile; from ) to % mile; from % to 1 mile; from 1 to 1% miles; and from 1% to 2 miles. “The distances are: up to % mile; % to % mile; 1 to 5 miles; 6 miles and : over. A recent survey based on a national sample of respondents indicated that about one half of the adult population lived within a mile of a public library. This finding, based on the respondents’ own testimony, was later con-