LIBRARY USERS 41 TABLE 19 DirrereNTIAL IN LiBraArRY Use BY REcioN Percentage of Population Books Circulated Region Registered, 1929 per Capita, 1934 Far West 29.9 8.3 Northeast 20.6 4.2 Midwest 19.3 4.6 Northwest 15.6 3.1 Southwest 10.0 1.6 Southeast 5.4 1.0 Source: Wilson, 1938. dence and public library use. In this country, public library service is far less available in rural communities and hence is far less used by rural residents. In those areas, however, in which library service is almost equally available to both urban and rural residents, it appears that the urbanites make greater use of the library facilities than the rural residents do (Table 20). This may possibly be attributed to a differential in educa- tional level, but it is also due, in all probability, to inequalities TaBLE 20 UrsBaN aND RuraL Grouprs (ApuLts) REGISTERED WITH OR Using THE PusLic LiBrary, ADAPTED FROM THREE STUDIES PERCENTAGES Wilson & Wight Mumford Turbeville® SRC, 1948 Residence (Registration) 1935 1937 (Use) 1948 REGISTRATION USE Urban 43 26 17 23 21 Rural 19 6 12 15 15 TOTAL NUMBER OF CASES Urban Not given Not given 84 821 821 Rural Not given Not given 205 330 330 “Refers to village and open country.