38 LIBRARY USERS TABLE 16 DirrereNt Economic Groups (Apurts) USING THE PusrLic LiBrRARY, ADAPTED FROM VARIOUS STUDIES PERCENTAGES Field & Economic Kaplan Berelson Peacock Berelson SRC Level 1943 1945 1948 1948 1948 High 29 26 41 32 30 Middle 30 28 19 Low 29 23 25 18 5 TOTAL NUMBER OF CASES High 3,379 253 162 95 304 Middle A .. 632 708 563 Low 1,122 268 206 182 255 it difficult for them to read. The two groups almost certainly make less than their proportionate use of the public library. In this sense, the American public library is an institution patron- ized chiefly by the “middle class” in the community, the ma- jority of its clientele being members of the “middle income” groups. TABLE 17 PusLic LiBrRaArRY Users (Apurts) oN DIFFERENT Economic LevELs, ADAPTED FROM THREE STUDIES PERCENTAGES : Field & Economic Peacock Berelson SRC Level 1948 1948 1948 High 21 12 41 Middle 62 76 52 Low 17 12 7 TOTAL NUMBER OF CASES 310 264 228