TaBLE 14 (Continued) PusLic LiBRARY REGISTRANTS AND ADULT Users IN DIFFERENT OccUPATIONAL (GROUPS ADAPTED FROM VARIOUS STUDIES PERCENTAGES USERS Flexner & Cole® Hopkins 1948: 1941: Cole Occupa- Van Hoesen, 1948 Readers 1943: tion of Field & Berel- * REFERENCE REFERENCE Occupation Advisory Krieg Refer- Montclair bread- Quinly Wwylie Peacock son MAIN BraNcH SRC Services 1939 ence 1945 1947 winner 1948 1948 1948 1948 LIBRARIES LIBRARIES 1948 Professional & managerial 38 . 27 27 24 48 9 S 33 White-collar 19 15 11 31 16 13 Skilled & semi-skilled 8 o 4 £ 15 9 Unskilled 11 5 3 Students 32 37 32 17 i~ 25 Housewives 14 33 e RE SN S 15 Other 38 A 13 13 5 TOTAL NUMBER OF CASES 1,252 1,083 7,404 159 711 389 “Students excluded. *““Employed.”