Occupation Professional and managerial ‘White-collar Skilled and semi-skilled Unskilled Students Housewives Other TaBLE 14 Pusric LiBrRARY REGISTRANTS AND ADULT UsgRrs IN DIFFERENT OcCUPATIONAL (GROUPS, REGISTRANTS Waples, 1937 Car- 7n0vsky FORDHAM SEWARD 1935 PK. Zatter- berg 1941 14 8 9 19 10 10 23 29 1,000 1,000 1,000 10,998 “Students not included. PERCENTAGES Field & Peacock 1948: Occupation of Head of Home Kaiser 1944 Waples 1933 9 24 6 13 28 15 I 33 3 2 2 22 15 59 30 13 13 2 TOTAL NUMBER OF CASES 13,117 250 200 ADAPTED FROM VARIOUS STUDIES Hunt 1934 19 28 1,052 I Fair 1935 30 16 31 39 USERS Haygood Ellsworth, 1937 1938 Wilson & REF- CIR- Wight ST. ER- CULA- 1935 CHICAGO LOUIS ENCE TION o~ on wy 59 14 4 g 12 9 19 .. 13 2 3 65 49 50 5 38 13 17 10 6 3 3 16 Not given Not 38,232 given 3,005 16,540