Education None and Grade school High school College GS HS C DirrereNT EpucatioNnaL Groups (Apurts) UsiNg THE PuBLic LiBRARY, ApAPTED FROM VARIOUS STUDIES Gray & Munroe Lorimer Kaplan Berelson (Regis- Turbeville 1930 43 48 Not given 1931 I§ 54 57 1,634 1,266 350 1943 25 67 80 768 1,747 352 PERCENTAGES 1945 II 21 60 TOTAL NUMBER OF CASES 198 226 49 TABLE 8 NORC tration) 1946 17 40 58 Not given 1948 16 35 EE1 139 34 Field & Peacock 1948 REGISTRATION 10 21 39 204 509 287 USE I3 29 48 204 509 287 Berelson SRC* 1948 1948 13 6 oo 28 32 44 43 260 283 393 612 { 280 140 185 “Educational groups: none or some grade school; completed grade school and some high school; completed high school; college.