22 LIBRARY USERS school age. In Chicago the drop was even sharper.® Another study made in the same city revealed that go percent of a sam- ple of recent high school graduates (girls) who were nonusers of the public library had had library cards when they were students, but had let them lapse in the three to four years since they had left school.” Whether this condition is simply a re- flection of or a reaction against the reading requirements of the formal school system, or whether it results from lack of time because of employment or marital and family responsi- bilities, there is, in any case, a sharp drop in library use at the school-leaving age. The public library retains only a small part of its younger users after they have entered adulthood. Cuart 1 Ture Use or Pusric LiBRARIES BY DIFFERENT Aee Groups (CHILDREN AND ADULTS) o w [+ 4 w - 2z $§ w ™ °& - v o-;x.. 3* - zax w3 wa 2 g w ue a aJd 6-15 16-20 21 & OVER 6-15 16-20 21 8 QVER AGE GROUP AGE GROUP Data from: Joeckel & Carnovsky, 1940. Data from SRC, 1948 Although libraries are used less by children after they leave school, still the major body of adult library users consists of the younger adults. In comparison with older groups of adult users, the younger adult group make up the largest proportion Joeckel and Carnovsky, 1940. "Clarke, 1945.