16 COMMUNICATION AND READING TABLE 4 RerATIONSHIP BETWEEN PusLic LiBrary Use AND THE USE OF OTHER COMMUNICATIONS Communications Bebavior Read one or more newspapers every day Listen to the radio two or more hours a day Read two or more 7magazines regu- larly Attend two or more motion pic- tures a month Read one or more books during preceding year Hear one or more speeches or talks a year Have read government bulletins at some time Source: SRC, 1948. PERCENTAGE OF ADULTS WHO Used Used Library, but Library in not in Never Preceding Preceding Used Year year Library 96 92 70 63 73 65 8o 64 36 66 58 38 87 58 27 35 25 2 64 49 40 they have ready access to a source of books. Just the opposite, however, is the case: the larger the home collection, the more use is made of the public library. Number of Books in Home Collection Less than 24 25-49 5999 100 OI more Source: SRC, 1948. Percentage of Each Group Which Used the Public Library in Preceding Year 10 15 22 29