TaBLE 2 (Continued) BY PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL BOOKS SUPPLIED Wilson & Wight Ellsworth Waples & Carnovsky Lazarsfeld & Kendall SRC ' Sources of 1935 1937 1939 1948 1948 Books WHITE NEGRO CHICAGO ST.LOUIS EXTOWN WYTOWN Public library 21 12 29 64 21 36 : 19 25 School library 38 44 0 o 2 3 Friends 33" 32° 21 8 13 12 23 18 Purchase and home library 5 7 6 6 47 35 40 35 Rental library 0 0 ” 6 10 8 7 9 Other 3 5 37 16 7 6 11 13 TOTAL NUMBER OF CASES Not Not 12,455 6,035 given given 648 694 932 590