8 COMMUNICATION AND READING THE USE OF OTHER MEDIA BY BOOK READERS To what ex- tent does book reading correlate with use of the other com- munication media? Do readers of books tend to use the other media more than nonreaders do, or do they tend to rely less on the other media because of their use of books? In the case of every major medium of communication except radio, book readers listen and see and read more than those who do not read books (Table 1); they give greater attention to public speeches and to such other media as government bulletins. TABLE 1 REeraTioNsHIP OF Book REeapING TO THE Usk orF Ot1HER TyPES oF COMMUNICATION® Communications Percentage of Percentage of Bebavior Book Readers® Nomnreaders of Books Read one or more mnewspapers every day 91 76 Listen to the radio two or more hours a day 69 68 Read two or more magazines regu- larly 71 39 Attend two or more motion pic- tures a month 58 45 Hear one or more speeches or talks in a year 29 14 Sometimes read government bul- letins 58 37 “Source: SRC, 1948. *Book readers” are defined as adults who have read one or more books during the past year. The reasons for this are several: income level, education, gen- eral cultural alertness of the persons concerned, and the accessibility of the various media. The major implication is that the book readers are not limited to that one form of com- munication. Instead, they also give a good deal of atten-