I COMMUNICATION, BOOK READING, AND THE PUBLIC LIBRARY Tuis 1s A RePorT on the use of American public li- braries. It summarizes the empirical research literature on the users of public libraries and what they use them for. Its pur- pose is to describe public library service in recent years as accurately and as completely as the studies in the field allow. The report does not contain everything one would wish to know about the use of the public library; it is limited to the store of knowledge contained in the research literature on this subject. For the most part, it is a description, not an evaluation; a critical collation and integration of “factual” studies, without normative implications. The report attempts to tell what the public library does, not what it can do or - should do. This is important enough to repeat: the report attempts to tell what the public library actually does. It was put together from various sources, as indicated in detail in the Appendix. From the bibliography of empirical studies on library use were critically abstracted all data with some mini- mum degree of validity and reliability. Generalizations about library service were drawn from this data Wherever war- ranted. To a considerable extent the studies on library use are spotty in content and faulty in method. Some problems have been given relatively full attention, and some little or no at- tention. Some kinds and sizes of libraries have been Vlrtually neglected by research students, and some studies are obvi- ously limited by particular local circumstances. Some studies AT R -