COMMITTEE FOR THE ENE@ BEFER YA RoserT D. LEIGH Mary U. RorHROCK Chairman and Director Library Consultant, Tennessee Valley Authority Rarpa A. Beavrs Director, The New York Public Ricaarp H. SHRYOCK Library Professor of History, University of Pennsylvania J. FrepEric DEWHURST Economist, Twentieth Century Fund ~ MarcoLm M. WiLLEY Vice President, University of Doxarp MarqQuis Minnesota Chairman, Department of Psychol- ogy, University of Michigan STAFY -OF: THE PUBLIC LIBRARY INQUIRY Finance: CHARLES M. ArMSTRONG, Associate Statistician, New York State Department of Education. Use: Bernarp BEereLsoN, Dean, Graduate Library School, University of Chicago; assisted by Lester Asheim. Survey ResearcH CeNTER, University of Michigan, Rensis Likert, Director, and Charles Metzner. Personnel: Avice 1. Bryan, Assistant Professor of Library Service, Colum- bia University; assisted by Lucy M. Crissey and Phyllis Osteen. Government: OLIVER GARrceau, political science faculty, Bennington Col- lege. C. Dewrrr Haroy, formerly instructor in history and government, Uni- ~ versity of Maine.