-4 B fr Vita. Charles Arthur Messick was born in Wilsofi, Kansas, in 1896, but at the age of tyo nmoved with his parents to Abiline, Kansas, where his education began. At the age of nine he moved mith his parents to Topeka, Kansas, and there he graduated fromw the grade schools, and from Topéka High Schoel with honors, in 1215. He attended Washburn College at Topeka, and Kansas State Teacher's College at Emporia from which be received the B, S. degree in the summer of 1818. He taught four years in Kansas high schocls, after which he went to the University of Kansas and became Agsistant Instructor ip the Department of Matnematics in 1923. In 1925 he received the M. A. degree in Mathematics, from the University of Kansas, having takeq courses with Frofessors C_ H, Ashton, Ui- G. Mitchéll,.and S. Lefschetz. Fe then Lecawe a full time Assistant in the Cepartamert cf Matheratics at the Cniversity of ¢ Towa, remaininé‘tfie}e until 1€27, ana studying under Professor E. W, Chittenden in additicn to his regular teaching schedule, v From 1927 tc the time of this writing he has been Assistant Professor of Mathematics at the University of Fleorida, Every summer beginning with the summer cf 1925 and continuing through the summer of 193C he has studied at the University of Chicage in the Departmenf of Matheratics, taking courses taught by Frofessors H, E. Slaught, C. 4, Eliss, & F. lane, E, T. Bell, Dynham Jackscn, and others. The writer wishes to express his sincere appreciation of the valuable instructiop and assistance ziver by all the atove Frofessers, and mest especially to E, T. Bell add L. M. Graves, who have supervised the writing of this dissertaticn. Sincere thanks are expressed to them for their valuable comments and suggestions,