~44- References. Ashton, Die Heineschen C-Functionen und ihre Anwendungen auf die elliptischen Functionen, Munchen, 1909. Bromwich, Infinite Series, Macmillan, Londen, 1908, Bocher, Higher Algebra, Macwillan, New York, 1907, Crelle, Journal fur die reine und angewandte Mathematik gegrundet von A, L, Crelle, Berlin. Cullis, Matrices and determinoids, Vol, III, Canmbridge Press, London, 1925. This probably contains the most complete account of symwetric functions of several sequences, Decker, Symmetric Function Tables of the Fifteenthic, Carnegie Institute, Washington, 191C. This contains a historical account of the developement of the theory, with references tc some of .the clder literature and biblicgraphieS. DeComberousse, Algebre Superieure, Gauthier—Villars, Faris, 1887, Dresden, On symretric forms in N variables, Annals of Mathematics, Vol. 24, p. 227; Vol. 25, p. 71, 1023, 1924, Fricke, Lehrbuch der Algebra, 1 Band, 1024, Goursat-Hedrick, Matheratical dnalysis, Vel, II, part 1, Ginn and Co= New York, 1°1g. Harkness and Mcrley, Introducticn te tke Theory of Analytic Functions, Macmillan, Lendon, 1898, Junker, Uber symzetrische Functicnen ven mehreren Veranderlichen, Vathematische Annalen, 43, p. 225-27C. 1893, Junker, Die symmetriche Functionen und die Relationen Zwishen den Flementarfuncticnen derselben, Math. Ann. 45,p. 1-84, Junker, Symmetrische Functicnen der ‘gemeinschaftlichen Varisblen paare ternerer Formen., Wien, 1897, There is some duplication in these last three, The relations are found by means of differentiation,