APFENDIX. Note concerning the weights. When the number of terms of each factor is finite, some of the numbers @, B, y, -*-- may be equal (a = Q). Requiring each of the a's, b's, ¢'s, etc. to keep its identity without being combined with some other element because of the equalities among the expo~ nents in vy(x), we see that pjr...r and sjr...r are as defined on pages 2 and 3, and each is of weight h=ja+ B + ** 4+ A, Theorem I does not depend on the weights and therefore holds true for this case. There is nothing in the proof of Theorem II which is affected by having the weights equal, and therefore Theorem II holds true. Froceeding through the proof of Theorem III, we see that the re- arrangement of terms to obtain formula (5) may be performed since v¢ is a polynomial and v;" therefore satisfies the condition of atsclute convergence. Therefore the conditions of the Weierstrass _ 5 theorem are satisfied and we can select the terms of ug, as before, Now the series %u,h e log [1+ v4] is absclutely convergent, and Z‘log[l +vil =1leg IT is by hypothesis uniformly convergent, so that by the Weierstrass thecrem 53 uy R R e and : h ih 0 th hoi o ~1)" m! s o (<1)™ m! e ()" Zap =21 gt e =Rt ey = g EER where ja+ B+ +ri=h, and m=j+k+ v 4pr-1 , and previded the s's converge. This interchange of order of summation may be made because the nurber of terms in ugp is finite when there is not an infirity of solutions to the equaticn ju + B+ +rA=h, There could not be an infinity of sclutioms with only a finite number of weights a, B, v, ==+, A\, a% 0. We have now obtained formula (7) as before, and the reraining portion of the proof fellows without changes, and we find that Theorems ITla, IIIb, and IV as stated will apply to this case.