=40~ Expansion of a product in which the a's form a geogetric sequence; the O-funciion, Let II = II(1 + a,x) where the o's form a geometric sequence ar, ar®, ar®, *+++, in which the ratio r may be a complex number®® but such that |r| < 1. This product can be written II(1 4 orx) , and it is absolutely~uniformly convergent, For this product, ar Sy=ar 4+ ar? 4+ ar® 4 cecees o ; ler 28 e a’y sp=a’r? 4 a4 %O 4 cereer = AT 1=-9 O BIIR L TN R, e e e T 8 : n Sp = a4 a"r® 4 afSh g eeees o T e -r Using equations (12) the coefficients of the series are O 2 O el ¢ =_-i:._-n_:___. secos R T R Y R 3 . a"r r? . N P r g and IT = 1 + 3Cua™ . If x in the above product is replaced by eXx' then x" in the series is replaced by e”A’ and the coefficients Cp remain unchanged, This product can be written TI{1 + ar® eX’] sand, it dis absolutely-uniformly convergent if |r| < 1, This permits us to apply the formulas just given, to another class of preducts, As an example, expand the generalized C-function of Heine.®? ; Dot e ng i, 2niz b (agw; - ang)m_ _— — Glgyis TTH I 0e e 2 ¢ Wy e Wy Y nt 2Ny 8(“1‘*’1 ~ agllp )= 2ni sy r=e 1 apd A==2 Wy In this product a=- ~ et ettt . 80 Goursat, sec, 8, ———ray 31 Thie generalization was develored by Professor C. H. Ashton of the University of Kansas. See list of references.