-39~ x Expand ['(x) = %e YJ“{II[I+-;]¢ N » Using formula (17') for the reciprocal, (page 27), we obtain e 2 8.8 P =3 -ye+ Lo Tt e 14 o = Foya® 4 G0y 4§ 0400 +or ] i P1o)E - 20,)% =;'Y+(Y 022 ey f3Y°z+ 3/37 4 + (y* + 6y20, + 8y0y 4 60, + 369')%. I This result agrees with the rule stated below Theorem IX which, applied to the D function, says that by replacing each Y apd o by = Y and - 0 respectively, in cne sekies, we obtain the other,2® This is equivalent to making all the signs positive inside the parentheses in formula (12) and wultiplying Cy by (=1)¥ ., Using the decimal approximations of ¥ and O, we get the approximations P(x) = 201 = 5772x +°.9361x" - 1.81154° + .8928x% «eoes g Ffl—iz #11+ .5773s - .6569x" - ,0403x® + .2EGEx4 esvss ] x - X Expand the product sinx = x I '[1-;;-] M This is X absolutely convergent if " g kept with its factor. Then the factors can be paired sc that sinx= x1II [1 - (;,5,7)’] . In this 1 29 form, s; = (—1)’—(—2—"—)_——5_4 » where By is the jth Bernoulli number.?® 2(25)! 2 Replacing each x in the formulas by -7’—:-; and using fermulas (11) and (12), we obtain 3 R 2 n? 1 ap % n* C;:wflfljz—fi, Co = =[m*B, —-T]zg’ Cs="7", weese € 2 J 1 x x % e Now s1nx=x[1+0,;—+ca;—+ca;‘7+ v ] M«————————-——————-—w e These resulte agree with those 2iven by Nieleen, sec. 15. 2 " Price, p. 145. Crelle, Vol, 20, re 11, Vol. 85, p. 269, for tablee of Bts,