-38= the total degree of all these elewents is v + 1. Since this is true for each of the factors of the product, when the logs of the factors are added and the s's formed, every s the sum of whose indices is less than v + 1 will be zero. (See formula (7).) The weight of Syp,eep is o+ B + °** 4 1), &

1 ., Using equations (12) and expanding e'*, we have 1 Y %> (,x Ogx® = 4 — -.. ——. tep e RERE i ettty o 4 "*[1+’+(L J)’ iR ‘YG,#&T,);-!(Y '6YG'2+E’(51 6‘7‘435!’)'4"','1'. It is to be noticed that these coefficients are exactly the C's with vy instead of sy, and 0; instead of s; if i>1 , 27 For the nuperical values of these sums, see Chrystal, Vol.II, p. 867,