~37~ Ci=s Cq = glr[fl' - 8 -28] = 53~ 3, Co = 2Hisa® = 38120 + 205 = 653" 4 653] = = 53 = 33 4 3 Co= 32 +35— 34 Co=28, 4 85=385~3,+3; . Expressing these s's in terms of the ¢'s and wultiplying by bt T we get sn 155 = q(sin 32 + 8in 2) + ¢®(sin 5z ~ sin 2) + ¢®(sin 72 - 2 sin 32 - sin 2) + ¢*(sin 92 - 2 sin 52 4 sin 3z 4 2 sin z) **ere Expansion of functions requiring a convergence factor; the Gamma function, and the sine function. It ie known that the infinite product II[(1 + a'n,)‘flnv(x)] is absclutely-uniformly convergent if (1 + a”x)‘Qflv(x) is taken as : 1)V a single factor and Qu(x) == apx + 4 a,%2% = o0 g L%L o'y, and if v is chosen so that Slanl"" converges. ?¢ By exactly the same reasoning it can be proved that Qflv (x) [+ vy(x)} e ] is absolutely-uniformly convergent if {1 + vu(x)} ¢Q"v(’) is taken as a single factor and 0 tass sV oy 2 2 Opy(x) == vy 4 4 v, see 4 TR and if v is chosen so that Zlva|V** converges uniformly. Suppose that the proper choice of v has been made. Then Ony(x) log {1 + v,,(x)} e has for its first term <1 1 v 54)1 (1" = ( ) £ (@nt + Bx® 4 oga® 4 ores Y When this is expanded by vhe multincmial theorem (see page 11), every term contains powers of an, by, ¢4, *e**, such that the ——"fi—_‘_————-———-———.—_____._,______—_ *® Goursat, Vol. II, p. 127-1a1.