—36.— As an example of the type shown in Theorem IX, expand & _2{(: 3 _}’»9;(3) il Ja Sile) n kB 9o(2) Ja Folz) 1 3 3 2¢° sine (1 - ¢*® II(1 +2¢3™3 4 ¢*"2) [I(1 - 20" cos 22 4 ¢*") -.'T—-__‘-_-"——-‘-——-"—'———-——m__————“—‘ 24° 4 II(I: Q") I1(1 + 2¢®" 4 ¢*%) II(1 - 2¢*"~%cos2z 4 ¢*"*%) (t = O+ ¢*™Y)? (1 - %) II(1 - ¢3¢ e A e e e & e et whene t= ‘tfi. 2 II(]. + qan)e H(l = tiq2n—1) 11(1 = t-aqan-x) Set H(1+¢* ™" )=(1+q+404 " )A+C+C+6% 40+ ***)(1 47204 B svo)eee Here s'y=1 , $'05=0, s'oap=1, *eccce, st =s%y=0, Set M1 ~t*"") =(1=C~t%*~0= """ )(1=0=0=0=t%* =0~ sere)ourer . flere 8"; =0, s == 1)), eeese i g wisliiw 0, For all the separate products we obtain the following s's: 5'1 =1 = S'OC‘ 23'00004 = cesens 3%03 O ® =% = s"ees = S"occoes = U 3"t o= T ("t—?).’ = " co0s =-5"cowes = °*CCC sivOJ #1 = 3i'ocoj = si'mmd = esesen s'1'. = ("ta)‘ = S'wi = s'ccoci = esesne "“‘ - ("t‘z)‘ = S“m¢ = sv‘ccoc‘ = ereser In accordance with Theorem IX, let 8= (2s' 4+ s" 4 s™ ) = (2s1Y 4 sV 4 s¥4), Using the above table of s's, we find sg=2+t*4t™® = 4cos’z =~ scq 832 2~1*~ 1t = 4 5in® Rz =~ s¢p g2 +t%4 ¢t = 4cos®3z=~ 5.5 In general, s, == Son= Seon == Sccm = Sewocn = = Sececen = 20000 and all the other s's are zerc. e alsc find by direct wultiplication that 5t = 48, ~ 35 , s,® = 15s, -—63',”-& &0y s;sq = 8, +28; -sg . If we let the C's be related o;;url.y;tfék‘tfieAi‘hjfinit.e product—duotient without the factor Fst Rt --§--- , We obtain 1)