T +ve') TI01 4 0] =eeee TI01 4 0, by replacing each s by st 4t 4 eeee s and for [ TG +v¢) ¥ by replacing each s by us . 1+ w') II[1 + ") log @ = log IM[1+v/] - log II{1 + "] so that log Q has s' - s where each s occurs in (7). For the quotient Q = we know that TegorBM IX, For an expression of the form II[1 4 v4') TI[1 4 vg"] ==veee TI[1 4 vyM) [ + ,,sl“‘)) sesnesenns T[] 4 p, V) each s in the formulas is replaced by (s' 4 °*** 4 s‘“’).- (s(u“)-f “+s“‘“5. For [II(1 +v;)I¥ each s is replaced by us, and for [_II_(-I—:};T)-]v each s is replaced by =-vs. Therefore, for a positive or negative =, the C's of the expansion of [II(1 +v;)]” are given by (11) by replacing each s by ns. For the case of # = -1, dencte the coefficients by C, (r suggested by "reciprocal”) and the formula is Z(w +1)my 5 U n ! 1 ...”q.l 9 =3 ('1) 1 (1700006 T Mt e gl J™ e g1 n n r‘)‘ sese (g )q’ s, ( JaRgeee JqkgeeeTg where my =gyt kit >t tri=1, b=+ k4 b, Jgll =g e rel and where the summation is taken for the indices such that Smghy=r, Usipg this formula we obtain 3 = 1= +£[(S'+s)~"s ]-xs[("-fs + 3s3) T + ve0)] = * T oy 1 2