~25- referring to (7) we see that on one side of the identity each tern has the form GLETREE GURE S S e 3 g B Gt RL eeee g1 o yfl 5\’ Siheseg » where ja+ M+ ****+d=h, In the definition on page 10 of the symbol péf ""%fi], it is required that ry/a = J3 e AR X iy where j,, *°°, 93, wust be integers such that j,‘ is the number of a's, etc. Then for the array (1'), {p[; “'-txi]}"1 has with it Tyry Tty % T~ eeees B x and the product of p's expressed in (15) has with it a J with the exponent 2 4Taléy eee 4 MG, pulgipjeq by the other I's with their correspending exponents. In otber words the terms on the second side of the equation have the form ceee x % 2 T n Whahesarqyl 35es U050l o) ) A raz"xfx YBZ"KkK where the sums are taken for x =1 to « = i, where A depends on the indices, and where ol¥ngji + B3mek + **°* 4+ ASmac=h, Since we must use all the values of the indices which satisfy this con~ dition, there is at least one set of numbers such that ZIryejx = j, Sngkye= k, *t0tt, Imegy . 9, where j, k, ****, g are those given op the first side of the equation with a certain syi.e.q . Therefore in the second side of the identity there is a term in %’ b x0 whose coefficient is expressed in p's, for each s YB' Rt I existing on the first side, Since it is 8n identity in the I's, the coefficients of the same ficwer on the two sides_are identically equal. TaworEw VIII. The fumction s;5,..q can be expressed in terss of the p's by a formula derived from (7) awd (15), vie. (16) A o N gy Siheeq = (.1) +R¥vee (j+k+ "’éq-l).' m (,11-001) (’j¢"‘n) J where the summation is taken for values of the indices which