-24- nupber of terms, each sum in the parentheses is a pelynomial- Multiplying these polynomials, any term of the result is formed by taking as a factor one term from each of the parentheses. Every term of the result then is a product of factors of the type 1 Tl bl Ne. i L o ! T {fi[-& . ]} with a condition on the indices, and finally pultiplied by (-1)™ m! . The condition on the indices is that S(mgrgy + ***c 4t )=h, With (14) we had by definition m=j+k+t " +n-1, Sincé we must have j, + °*°° 4 Ji, = J we see that the sum of a cert;;in first group of n's must equal j; similarly the sum of a second group must equal k3 etc. Therefore Ry +Mp 4 ****4ny;~1=m, In (14) we take the sum of all terms which satisfy the condition j+2k+ ***+4 4r=h, and therefore now take the sur of all terms satisfying the equivalent condition Smelrg + *o*v 4 t) = h, Turoren VII, If the elevents of the array (1) satisfy the hypothesis of Theorem 1V amd |II = 1| < 1-¢ when |x| < Ry, then log IT = Zu, where (15) w, = 2 % {p[ % ...%\3]}"‘...... {p[%‘ ...%\4 ]}"" nhere the summation is taken for all values of the indices for which 3ng(r¢+ *°**+ty)=h, and where by definition my 4 ¢ +ng=-1= m Using formula (7) we obtain w as a power series which con verges for |x| < R,. Using (15) we obtain v as a power series which converges for |x]