_23_ This equality is true whether @BY ey e NS A or other numbers, but if they are other numbers the coefficients in the second of the two equations given above the theorem must be changed to correspond. The coefficients in terms of the C's will remain unchanged. In the special case where b; = c; = seete =0, all of the #'s and s's are zero except p; and s; . Then we obtain the well known formulas s3=$1, Sa=¢," -20, $g= ha'3fi:?a + 3ps , ".,“.“ . To obtain w and uy in terms of #'s, we substitute formula (3') into (14). We use (3') because the C's are not independent of GaPy YomEeRs DS Tace 0 s Zfi[gé‘"il, where r+ s+t tt=w, by the multinomial theorenm Cw: » 211'1""- J {’[ g ]}j’ """{ :(;1 o2t = ]}JH where Yt oate 4 tfl s for n = 1:2:"', il and where Ji j: + °°° 4 ji, =3 Then jara + ***+ jata + oo 4 .71-1" iy SRR o ]i;ti, > CJawy s eee +j1'1w, = jwy ., =)™ m! Now the product 3 C," C,k coee CK" _tx;]}]‘..... {fi[% o %;]}j": ®secscevse e 13 .t A Y Mg 1} fol ot 40} o u "ix! ([jarx 4 e0e 4 j:tg] 4 vesee g [jilri 4 e g4 jiiti,]) 4 scesss + ([":'x 4 0 4 "lt ] 4 cesee 4 ["IK'*K 4 cee g "!'ytl;;(]) (j,'l“‘ eesee 4 jij‘ 1) 4 vreenee + (fl,'K'{' "‘.'+fl’.K.K) A-7) + @°k) +- *o000c 4 (Kom) = b from the condition on (14) . Since each C contains only a finite