-4 20~ If we write out a set of equations like (12), for the elepents of (1'), but where each £' and s' is written out in terms of its elements according to the definitions cn pages 2 and 3, each equation is of the form C, = 9(L,¢) = ¥(¥,s), which is an iden- tity in the Y's, and ¢ and y are both pclynomials in the Y's (because jo+ i + ****+rA=w has a finite number of solutions). This identity holds for C £ ¥ £ 1, since #' and s' are absolutely convergent when I = 1, Freom formula (3) and the relation of ' teo # we see that every term of ¢(1,#) has the form YJRF e eh” s, s where jo+ 8 + ****+rd=w. Fcrmula (11) shows that in w(7,s) there are teros of the forw A(Yahlek’“'if’ s]v:h...,i)"l"'(Yaj‘“'n\r‘ s“,.r‘)"‘ where A depends on the indices, and where the indices satisfy the equaticn Zmihy = Imi(jia + kB 4 v 4 rA) = Grgida 4 Crk)S 4+ vz w, Since we must use all values of the indices which satisfy this con- dition, there is at least one set of pumbers such that Zn,j; = j, EMgky = k, °°°*°, Tmyry = r, where j, k, ***°, r, are those given with a certain pjke..r . Therefore there is in y(Y,s) a term having Y“’YB“""YA’ with a coefficient expressed in terms of s's, for each YO‘JYB”'"'Y;\' Pikeeeer - existing in o(Y,p) . Since the polynomial ¢ equals the peclynomial y identically in the Y's, the coefficient of a power of the Y's in ¢ equals identically the coefficient of the sage power of the Y's in y.® Therefore each ¢ may be expressed in terms of s's, since each p occurs just once in ¢, and we have proved the fellowing Turorex V. ' The function Pjp,..r can be extressed in terms of the s's by a formula derived frow equatians (12), via. (13) (_1)‘2‘“";' R ey 3 : Bikicop TRATY A A Yitewve(s )t JReove b "" J,""i-" J-”"‘ J,k,..."; “k,...r‘ ’ 1°° o Jyea §oe e e e A A es e Bocher, sec,%, definition on page 5, and Theorem 2, page 6. Also Niewengloski, p, 12. o