-] 8= where the summation is taken for the values of the exponents such tbat n+0 + ****+p=0. FEach factor is power of a series of the form (7). Taking the first, h =1} @i n () "h,n - [X i Zi—l%nisdk...r} nt D)™ wyt 5" Mo )™ my ah n = Il Tl dakaserrs 1 adE Gy where the last summation is taken for values of the n's such that Nng+n,+°°"*+ng=n. The other powers of the other u's are similar to (9). The product uh!" uhf uhq" is formed by taking the sum cf all the products formed by taking one term from each of the series like (2) as factors. Bvery term of -;-; is then 2 product of certain s's with the prcper ccefficient. Let m be any one of the numbers 0, N, *==, Ny, 8y, Az, -=*, =<2, Py, Pg, **», py . For each (Sjkeeer)’ in 8 term of the prcduct, there is in its ceefficient (_1>wm il x"h ; ; the facter —-—;'——3-.’—"7-'——— The n! in the numerator of (9) is cap= celled by the denominatcr of (8), and likewise for 6!-<«p! | Inp each of the expressions like (9) the expenent is separated into parts such that Ny + Mg + vsov +Ny=n, 6; 4 6, 4 *eee = 8, e, Py 402+ =p; but in (€) it is required that n+8 + **** 4p =0, Therefore, in the product it is required that "!+n2+....+el+62+ oeveld Osl 3 e ik ""+Pk = g or, in clber terms, My +My+4 ****4+ng = 0. Ncw we obtain (10) 2Ty Ty Mo nq "_F s 3 M (-1) Myl T ompl T e gl B )""""(s~ ye - Al Wel Wl ovy ol QI Leveailne | “daharsory’ - Jehgroery’ where the summaticn is taken for all vslues of the indices which satisfy the equation nmy +1m, + ****+ng=0, and where by definition w= 3nghy, and hy = jyx + kB + **°* 4+ r;d . These last operations i can be performed to cbtain (1C) because v is a power series (and