_14_ and impose the condition on the array (1) that the elements bé such that Zlog[l + vy(x)] converge uniformly. This is equivalent to the condition that II converge uniformly. ** Using the definition of w, and the definitions of the s's, we see that provided all. of the s's converge : -1 =1)" m¢ !lqh*):?.( ) b“.o.k ,zz( ) b{""'hr 22( Jz!"is't"‘r 3 where the unmarked ¥ denctes summation for those values of the indices which satisfy the equation ja+ #8 + **** 4 rA = h, and where m=j+k+***+r-1, Since uy has a finite number of terms, as shown. before, the change of order of the repeated sums is permis—~ sible if the s's converge. The convergence of the s's does not follow from the convergence of zu", « We must now impose the con- dition that the s's converge. New we define " m (7) L ] 2—"’—“'_ Sdkheser = %t Evib » where the summation is taken for the values of the indices which satisfy the equation ja+ M+ ***4+rA=h. With this definition we can write u= Zlog[l + vy(x)] = Eu,, ’ and the last series converges absolutely, since it is a pewer senes' M‘ Sj 1 u u® W0 Sipce I = e =.‘1+u+§,- +'3'T + +a_+ . 2 it is necessary tc find expressions fer these terms. Let Vpgo Ypge *°°% denote any of the terws cf the series u = Juy, where hy, hy, ****, are distinct and denote a set of num— bers selected from 1, 2, 3, «-+ , Ry using the multinomial theorer < 1 Hive DRI EN P (8) 5’? e n!a!-q-pl “h: uhg uh' ’ e e Sl e Smajl, seo, 257. ~4