=]2= is a convergent power series in R,, it is also absolutely conver- " converges absolutely in the same region, ¥ gent, and therefore v¢ Therefore the terms of (5) can be arranged accerding to powers of %, for each value of #, and the resulting power series is absolute- ly convergent. After this rearrangement is made, (4) becomes a uniforrly co-nvergent series in R,, évery term of which is a power series convergent in Ry, A theorem by Weierstrass states that such a series can be arranged according to powers of x, the coefficients of the various terms of a given power being added to form a single coefficient of that power. The }resulting series converges absolute- ly for |x| < Ry. In making this last rearrangement, we find that ip the terms of (4) the sare power cf x ray appear in several powers of »¢. To collect all the terms containing %", we must pick from the several powers of vi; that is, we allow » to take en several values while h is kept fixed, In picking out all the terms having <", we get [ %—’:,"—' a;? b® *e+ 1,1, the summation being taken for the values cf j,"k, ***, r, which satisfy the equation ja+ B4 +rA=h, (here having a changing = which by definition is »=j+k+ *"*4r-1). let u,, denote the expression inside the brackets, Now we can write log [1 4 v4] = ujex 4 U X° 4 Ugex® 4 ceeves Since this is a convergent power series, each uyp represents a finite quantity; There are as many terms in u,p as there are solu— tions of the equaticn %+ 84 4rh=hn, This shows that Uy has a finite ‘nu‘mber of terms for each finite 4. Now write : u=3 dog(1 + vy Br ligaX + Uggx? + ugqx® 4 to00es 4 ugpxh 4 eeees (8 g R R S o S R R _““’, + ug,xa + "lsxs 4 ccecee 4 "{h"h 4 tecee 80 Bromwich, sec, 27. Smail, sec, 146, 165.