_11- are functions of the s's defined on page 3. Next we shall set 1 = ¢, and expand this according to powers of w. Each power of v is to be arranged according to powers of x, and then e¢¥ is to be arranged according to powers of x, the coefficients Cy being func- tions of the s's, In order tc begin the work outlined abcve, we gust have each v,(x) converge and |vy(x)] £1 but vy(x) =% - 1. We shall suppose that these conditions are satisfied. Consider now the logarithm of the ith factor of II; (__1)1l—1 (4) legll+vi(x)] = vimgu+dv®=croers gy ® woens By using the multinowial theorem we obtajn s s GIE —— U§ = n ” (-)™? n! e & e (Y A ernr Uy (fixa + 6‘18 NS lt!l 4 veees )11 (-1)" (5) = Z(—-%-,-;—ai"bt"‘” W, qe where for abbreviation we define Ji! = jlkl***r!, w=w~1, and Jj*+ B+ **+ra=h, and where the summation is taken only for the non-negative values cf j, &k, °***, r, which satisfy the equation jtk+ et tr=n_ We see that j, &, ***, r, are not all zero at once, fe note that J1!% = ji%kl¥eee ,g% Since (4) is a convergent power series, it converges abso- lutely and uniformly® for |v;l<1~-¢, where ¢ is an arbitrary positive puwber less than 1, Let R, dencte the radius of a circle such that Jvi(x)l <1~¢ when |x| < Ry, and i =1, 2, 3, *=*+ , 80 that the series (4) is absolutely and uniformly convergent when lx] <« Ry fle now impose the condition on the elements of the array (1) that they be chosen so that R, shall be ¢reater than zero, Since vwy(x) e e e e e e el e T 3 8 i e it e ’ Bromwich, sec, 50. Smail, seo, 165, 169. Tannery, sec. 184,